A “Win-Win” Situation March 18, 2018 (AM Service)Bible Text: Phil. 1:21-26 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Philippians
The Unconquered Captive, Pt. 1 March 11, 2018 (PM Service)Bible Text: Dan. 1:1-8 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Daniel
The Power of Positive Thinking…or Faith? March 11, 2018 (AM Service)Bible Text: Phil. 1:12-20 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Philippians
Daniel: The Sovereignty of God (An Introduction to the Book Of Daniel) March 4, 2018 (PM Service)Bible Text: Daniel | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Daniel
Grateful for Others February 25, 2018 (AM Service)Bible Text: Phil. 1:3-8 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Philippians
The Joy of Christ: Exploring the Book of Philippians February 18, 2018 (AM Service)Bible Text: Phil. 1:1-2 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Philippians