Prayer for Progress, Pt. 1 April 14, 2019 (AM Service)Bible Text: Col. 1:9-10 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Colossians
The Revelation of Jesus Christ April 7, 2019 (PM Service)Bible Text: Rev. 1:1 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Revelation
Christ: Supreme and Sufficient (Intro. to Colossians) March 31, 2019 (AM Service)Bible Text: Col. 1:1-2 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Colossians
Forgiveness and Expiation: Sin and Its Penalty Removed February 24, 2019 (AM Service)Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Terms of Salvation
Conviction: Knowing You Are Guilty February 10, 2019 (AM Service)Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Terms of Salvation
Election: Chosen in Christ before the Foundation of the World, Pt. 2 February 3, 2019 (AM Service)Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Terms of Salvation
Election: Chosen in Christ before the Foundation of the World, Pt. 1 January 27, 2019 (AM Service)Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Terms of Salvation