The Relationship of the Law to Faith October 4, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Gal. 3:23-29 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Galatians
What the Law Cannot Do, Pt. 1 August 9, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Gal. 2:15-18 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Galatians
In Whom Are You Going to Trust? February 23, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 146:1-10 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
The Fear of Man Meets Faith in God January 26, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 56:1-13 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
Repentance: A Separate Requirement for Salvation, or a Synonym for Faith? Pt. 1 August 19, 2018 (AM Service)Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Terms of Salvation
Faith: the One Requirement for Salvation August 12, 2018 (AM Service)Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Terms of Salvation
Compromise, or Consequences? Pt. 2 June 3, 2018 (PM Service)Bible Text: Dan. 3:19-30 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Daniel
The Power of Positive Thinking…or Faith? March 11, 2018 (AM Service)Bible Text: Phil. 1:12-20 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Philippians