In Whom Are You Going to Trust? February 23, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 146:1-10 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
From Where Shall My Help Come? February 16, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 121:1-8 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
In the Shadow of the Almighty February 9, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 91:1-8 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
The Rock That Is Higher Than I February 2, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 61:1-8 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
The Fear of Man Meets Faith in God January 26, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 56:1-13 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
Handling the Stressful Situations of Life January 19, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 55:1-23 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
Put Fear to Flight, Pt. 2 January 5, 2020 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 46:4-11 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
Put Fear to Flight, Pt. 1 December 15, 2019 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 46:1-3 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
Dealing with Discouragement and Depression December 8, 2019 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 42:6-11 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night
He Cares for You! November 24, 2019 (AM Service)Bible Text: Ps. 37:23-26 | Dr. Bob PayneSeries: Psalms in the Night